TS4 Korean Cosmetic Set 로드샵 화장품 세트

TS4 Korean Cosmetic Set 
로드샵 화장품 세트

· Objects (Deco)
· New mesh
· All lods

· LINK 1 : Download (SFS, ad.fly)
· LINK 2 : Download (Drop box, ad.fly)

Making objects is fun!
but photoshop work is too cumbersome and boring 😿
I didn't put much color in. 
I've actually made it based on the products I use it's used.

There are 10 objects in total. 
If you want to download all at once, please accept the compressed file.
I hope you like it.💖💖💖

오브젝트는 총 10개라서 원하는 것을 골라 받으시거나, 
모두 받으실꺼면 압축파일 하나만 받으시면 됩니다.
 색상은 많이 넣지 않았습니당. 포토샵 작업 넘나 지루 ㅠㅠ